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Photo Taking Tips
To get you the most accurate quote possible keep these tips in mind:
Capture as much of the surroundings as possible
Things like height of windows, slope or grade of the ground, windows above hedges/bushes/trees, windows obstructed by gazebos/pools or hot tubs, fences etc. are all taken into consideration when determining your Window Cleaning quote.
Landscape vs Portrait view
Depending on the photo being taken, choosing to use landscape or portrait view is important in order to show the most detail in the photo. As a general rule if you don’t have much space between the camera and the building take a portrait photo. Use landscape view if you have room to back up.
Interior windows
Please include photos of any interior windows that will require a ladder (over 10 feet high), have interior mullions or obstructive window coverings.
Acceptable file formats
Make sure the files are in one of the following formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF or HEIF